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Yoose Incorekt spelin and grammerIf u want to maik shore noone visits ur websight, it is important too yoose incorekt spelin and grammer. Y? Becoz peeple wont take u sereously if u cant spel rite.This is espeshally important if ur websight is yoosed for bisiness porpoises. noone will by ur produks if ur spelin is bad. uv corse, if u want peeple too taik u sereously, its a gud idea to run your tekst throu a spelcheker, and mayby even a grammercheker. But bewair, if u ment to say 'purposes', but rote 'porpoises' insted, the spelcheker wont relise somthing is rong. So u shud hav a human chek wut u rote, to! Manny thanx too Susan Steen four comenting on this, and inspiering this paydge. Susan rote this: I have been a freelance writer for the better part of 20 years. Nothing makes me run, screaming from the room faster than a Website that contains misspelled words. This occurs so frequently, that I try to ignore the first one I find�anyone can make a mistake. But if I find more than one on the same site, I find myself dismissing the site as amateurish and probably not trustworthy. Thanx, Susan! Teh hum paydgeclic teh link abuv if u want to go bak to teh hum paydge. U no u wanna! |